
  Quick as a flash she understood the joke

  Quick as a flash she understood the joke, her fear vanished, andwith a wicked smile, she whipped out her scissors, cut the threads,and the bony arm dropped with a rattle. Before she could say,"Come out,Fake Designer Handbags, Charlie, and let my skeleton alone," a sudden irruptionof boys, all in a high state of tickle, proclaimed to the hidden roguethat his joke was a failure,foamposite for cheap.
  "I told him not to do it, because it might give you a start,"explained Archie, emerging from the closet.
  "I had a smelling bottle all ready if she fainted away," added Steve,popping up from behind the great chair.
  "It's too bad of you not to squawk and run; we depended on it, it'ssuch fun to howl after you," said Will and Geordie, rolling outfrom under the sofa in a promiscuous heap,mont blanc pens.
  "You are getting altogether too strong-minded, Rose; most girlswould have been in a jolly twitter to see this old fellow wagglinghis finger at them," complained Charlie, squeezing out from histight quarters, dusty and disgusted.
  "I'm used to your pranks now, so I'm always on the watch andprepared. But I won't have Brother Bones made fun of. I knowuncle wouldn't like it, so please don't," began Rose just as Dr. Aleccame in, and,Moncler outlet online store, seeing the state of the case at a glance, he saidquietly"Hear how I got that skeleton, and then I'm sure you will treat itwith respect."The boys settled down at once on any article of furniture that wasnearest and listened dutifully.
  "Years ago, when I was in the hospital, a poor fellow was broughtthere with a rare and very painful disease. There was no hope forhim, but we did our best, and he was so grateful that when he diedhe left us his body that we might discover the mysteries of hiscomplaint, and so be able to help others afflicted in the same way.
  It did do good, and his brave patience made us remember him longafter he was gone. He thought I had been kind to him, and said to afellow-student of mine, 'Tell the Doctor I lave him me bones, forI've nothing else in the wide world, and I'll nos be wanting 'em atall, at all, when the great pain hat kilt me entirely.' So that is howthey came to be mine, and why I've kept them carefully, for,though only a poor, ignorant fellow, Mike Nolan did what he couldto help others, and prove his gratitude to those who tried to helphim."As Dr. Alec paused, Archie closed the door of the case asrespectfully as if the mummy of an Egyptian king was inside; Willand Geordie looked solemnly at one another, evidently muchimpressed, and Charlie pensively remarked from the coal-hodwhere he sat"I've often heard of a skeleton in the house, but I think few peoplehave one as useful and as interesting as ours."
Chapter 20 Under The Mistletoe
Rose made Phebe promise that she would bring her stocking intothe "Bower," as she called her pretty room, on Christmas morning,because that first delicious rummage loses half its charm if twolittle night-caps at least do not meet over the treasures, and twohappy voices Oh and Ah together.
  So when Rose opened her eyes that day they fell upon faithfulPhebe, rolled up in a shawl, sitting on the rug before a blazing fire,with her untouched stocking laid beside her.

