
  It was so sweet and comfortable that Rose sat still enjoying it till alittle voice saidMamma

  It was so sweet and comfortable that Rose sat still enjoying it till alittle voice said"Mamma, don't you think Pokey would like some of my shells?
  Rose gave Phebe some of her nice things, and it was very good ofher. Can I?""Who is Pokey?" asked Rose, popping up her head, attracted by theodd name.
  "My dolly; do you want to see her?" asked Jamie, who had beenmuch impressed by the tale of adoption he had overheard.
  "Yes; I'm fond of dollies, only don't tell the boys, or they will laughat me.""They don't laugh at me, and they play with my dolly a great deal,Moncler outlet online store;but she likes me best"; and Jamie ran away to produce his pet.
  "I brought my old doll, but I keep her hidden because I am too bigto play with her, and yet I can't bear to throw her away, I'm so fondof her," said Rose, continuing her confidences in a whisper.
  "You can come and play with Jamie's whenever you like,fake uggs for sale, for webelieve in dollies up here," began Aunt Jessie, smiling to herself asif something amused her.
  Just then Jamie came back, and Rose understood the smile, for hisdolly proved to be a pretty four-year-old little girl, who trotted inas fast as her fat legs would carry her, and making straight for theshells, scrambled up an armful, saying, with a laugh that showedher little white teeth"All for Dimmy and me, for Dimmy and me!""That's my dolly; isn't she a nice one?" asked Jamie, proudlysurveying his pet with his hands behind him and his short legsrather far apart a manly attitude copied from his brothers.
  "She is a dear dolly. But why call her Pokey?" asked Rose,charmed with the new plaything.
  "She is such an inquisitive little body she is always poking thatmite of a nose into everything; and as Paul Pry did not suit, theboys fell to calling her Pokey. Not a pretty name,shox torch 2, but veryexpressive,Replica Designer Handbags."It certainly was, for, having examined the shells, the busy tot laidhold of everything she could find, and continued her researches tillArchie caught her sucking his carved ivory chessmen to see if theywere not barley sugar. Rice paper pictures were also discoveredcrumpled up in her tiny pocket, and she nearly smashed Will'sostrich egg by trying to sit upon it.
  "Here, Jim, take her away; she's worse than the puppies, and wecan't have her round," commanded the elder brother, picking herup and handing her over to the little fellow, who received her withopen arms and the warning remark"You'd better mind what you do, for I'm going to 'dopt Pokey likeRose did Phebe, and then you'll have to be very good to her, youbig fellows.""'Dopt away, baby, and I'll give you a cage to keep her in, or youwon't have her long, for she is getting worse than a monkey"; andArchie went back to his mates, while Aunt Jessie, foreseeing acrisis, proposed that Jamie should take his dolly home, as she wasborrowed, and it was time her visit ended.
  "My dolly is better than yours, isn't she? 'cause she can walk andtalk and sing and dance, and yours can't do anything, can she?"asked Jamie with pride, as he regarded his Pokey, who just thenhad been moved to execute a funny little jig and warble thewell-known couplet"'Puss-tat, puss-tat, where you been?'

