
replica rolex watches Prepaid Recharge V-s Postpaid Mobile Connection_8132

Many mobile users remains confused on the issue to choose or opt for prepaid recharge or postpaid mobile. To solve this problem, anyone should have a clear view of about the difference of both the connections.

Prepaid recharge in simple words means user have to recharge this mobile to use. Whereas in case of post paid connections, payments are made on a monthly basis, the service provider would make a total of all usage a sent a monthly statement along with the bill. Prepaid mobile connections are opposite to post paid as the customer as has pay first before the usage of the services. In short post paid connection is a like a credit card where as prepaid mobile is like the money in your wallet where user can know the limit of usage. Service operators tie up with many firms which provide online mobile recharge.

Mobile operator provides similar service to both the user. The main features are incoming / outgoing, SMS, Roaming facility, internet, MMS and much more.

But to compare, there are only few differences. The main difference is the billing method. In prepaid, we need to pay first and then only we get the services. The service stops when you�re balanced get exhausted. Whereas incase of postpaid connections, one has to pay on a monthly basis on the total usage. A prepaid mobile is bit easy to access through less amount of documentation than the postpaid. But the charges like calls, MMS, SMS or other charges are similar to post paid.

Now the question is which one to use? To get the correct ���� ask your self �which one will be worth of your money? The answer relies on the situation and usage of the mobile phone.

You can for prepaid connection, if you have budget or a limit use of cell phone. As a matter of fact, each service provider has a market selling price and gives a talk time after reduction of tax. If you have a short stay at any location, the prepaid is the best one. Prepaid plans are available with in various denominations; the flexibility of recharge is up to the user. Prepaid recharge are available with retailer near to your house, office etc.

And you are suggested to go for post paid connections, if you are a heavy user of your cell phone, you need to be on track with limitless usage as per the demand of business or profession.

So keeping in mind the above mentioned facts, decide which one is best for you.


