
chanel watches leave room for them to develop independence and self-reliance

leave room for them to develop independence and self-reliance. At the same time, show them what is right and what is wrong. Explain to them why. If possible, cite instances or examples
based on true-to-life events to make them more convincing and realistic. The more realistic the
y are, the more easily the children are convinced. Likewise, try teaching them in a friendly and humorous atmosphere. Children are more attentive and eager to learn when all (both teachers and students) are in an easy mood. You will know and feel their ea
gerness to learn }{\f36\fs24\insrsid9963529 through}{\f36\fs24\insrsid7164053 the sparkle in their eyes}{\f36\fs24\insrsid9963529 and}{\f36\fs24\insrsid7164053 by the way they answer your questions,unisex chanel watches. You can be sure that what they learn from you is
acceptable to them and will stay wi}{\f36\fs24\insrsid9963529 th them. That is why, as a parent}{\f36\fs24\insrsid7164053 , you must show enthusiasm in life to your children}{\f36\fs24\insrsid9963529 ,fake dior sunglasses.}{\f36\fs24\insrsid7164053
\par }\pard \ql \fi720\li0\ri0\widctlpar\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0\pararsid7164053 {\f36\fs24\insrsid7164053
\par }\pard \ql \li0\ri0\widctlpar\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0\pararsid7164053 {\f36\fs24\insrsid7164053 There\rquote s a third method of making children learn. That is through proper guidance leaving negligible room for self-discovery}{
\f36\fs24\insrsid9963529 .}{\f36\fs24\insrsid7164053 }{\f36\fs24\insrsid9963529 B}{\f36\fs24\insrsid7164053 ut there are drawbacks,mens chanel watches. You take away from them the benefits of self-reliance and independence. The guidance you devote to them may be go
od and well intended}{\f36\fs24\insrsid9963529 ,}{\f36\fs24\insrsid7164053 but they must not rely on you on almost everything they do}{\f36\fs24\insrsid15535654 . They become decision-}{\f36\fs24\insrsid7164053
dependent on you. There are instances wherein this type of guidance might be worse than }{\f36\fs24\insrsid15535654 giving }{\f36\fs24\insrsid7164053 no guidance at all.
\par }\pard \ql \fi720\li0\ri0\widctlpar\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0\pararsid7164053 {\f36\fs24\insrsid7164053
\par }\pard \ql \li0\ri0\widctlpar\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0\pararsid9963529 {\f36\fs24\insrsid7164053 There are parents who underwent hardships during their childhood, strived}{\f36\fs24\insrsid15535654 ,}{\f36\fs24\insrsid7164053
and became successful financially. }{\f36\fs24\insrsid9963529 A}{\f36\fs24\insrsid7164053
lthough they are financially in the position to guide and assist their children to a better life, they prefer that their children undergo the same difficult experience th
ey underwent during their younger years. Their reason: so that their children will value and experience the same things they went through,louis vuitton purses. This may be applicable to stubborn and rebellious youngsters, but not to disciplined ones. Why must their sons and d
aughters repeat the same difficulties? There\rquote s no reason to. This is like punishing the innocent. Instead of repeating the experience, they should }{\f36\fs24\insrsid15535654 learn}{\f36\fs24\insrsid7164053

