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Do Know Your Rights? If Not An Attorney Can Help!

When a child is born with or s stricken with a developmental develops a disability, the Department of Health and Senior Services is legally responsible for making available in-home services at little to no cost to the family. This is called the Early Intervention Program. Some of the services available include, visiting nurses, speech therapists, physical therapists, developmental therapists and occupational therapists.

Once your child turns three-years-old, Federal Law requires under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) that a preschool child with a disability be provided with "a free and appropriate public education and services in the least restrictive environment." A child with disabilities could be something as minor as a speech delay or as serious as Autism, Downs Syndrome or Cerebral Palsy.

In many non-English speaking communities, word does not get out that these services exist. Too often parents learn after the fact that the school district is required to provide preschool disabled children with education and other services.

If you think your preschooler might qualify for services, to initiate the process you need to make a written request for an evaluation to your local school district. Preferably this should be done 120 days before your child's third birthday. Once your school district receives your request a Child Study Team must schedule a meeting with you,oakley sunglasses replica. A Child Study Team is a crucial component of any special education program. This team consists of a speech-language specialist, a school psychologist, a learning disabilities teacher consultant, and a school social worker. These specialists are selected and paid by your school district. This meeting determines whether an evaluation is warranted. It is your legal right to have any referral considered. The law allows you to have an attorney with you, if you wish, to ensure that your voice is heard and you are fully aware of your options,jordans for sale.

If the Child Study Team believes an evaluation is warranted, an evaluation plan will be formalized. An evaluation of your child must include, one structured observation, an interview with you and your child's teacher if they are in preschool, a review of interventions documented by professionals who worked with your child. The Child Study Team will make independent social, educational, psychological,chanel unisex ceramic watches, vision and hearing and speech language assessments.

When the evaluation is completed you will attend an eligibility meeting to discuss the results. If your child is found to be "disabled" under the, law he or she will be eligible for free special education and related services. In Monmouth County each town has their own public special education preschool program and many provide free transportation. If you disagree with the evaluations provided by the school you have a right to request a new or independent evaluation at the school's expense. If your child is determined to not be eligible for the school you have a right to appeal the decision. An attorney experienced in education and special education law can be extremely beneficial in advocating your appeal of the school's decision and helping you to secure special education services for your child.

