
The Subtle Knife濂ョ鍖曢_156

ven grow up without being afraid of Specters."
"What did it look like, when he was attacked?" Will said. To her surprise he was sitting forward, his eyes demanding and urgent.
"He…" She tried to remember exactly. "He started counting the stones in the wall. He sort of felt all over them… But he couldn't keep it up. In the end he sort of lost interest and stopped. Then he was just still," she finished, and seeing Will's expression she said, "Why?"
"Because… I think maybe they come from my world after all,link, the Specters. If they make people behave like that, I wouldn't be surprised at all if they came from my world. And when the Guild men opened their first window, if it was into my world, the Specters could have gone through then."
"But you don't have Specters in your world! You never heard of them, did you?"
"Maybe they're not called Specters. Maybe we call them something else."
Lyra wasn't sure what he meant, but she didn't want to press him,pink foamposites. His cheeks were red and his eyes were hot.
"Anyway," she went on, turning away, "the important thing is that Angelica saw me in the window. And now that she knows we've got the knife, she'll tell all of 'em. She'll think it's our fault that her brother was attacked by Specters. I'm sorry,foamposites for sale, Will. I should've told you earlier. But there was just so many other things."
"Well," he said, "I don't suppose it would have made any difference. He was torturing the old man, and once he knew how to use the knife he'd have killed both of us if he could,cheap jordan shoes. We had to fight him."
"I just feel bad about it, Will. I mean, he was their brother. And I bet if we were them, we'd have wanted the knife too."
"Yes," he said, "but we can't go back and change what happened. We had to get the knife to get the alethiometer back, and if we could have got it without fighting, we would."
"Yeah, we would," she said.
Like Iorek Byrnison, Will was a fighter truly enough, so she was prepared to agree with him when he said it would be better not to fight; she knew it wasn't cowardice that spoke,

