
For a few seconds

For a few seconds, the reverend couldn't speak. "Why, Robbie?" he managed to ask.
"Donte might need you."
Keith's mouth fell open and no words came out,fake uggs online store. The room was quiet, all eyes on Keith. Robbie pressed on: "He was raised in a church, Keith, but he now takes a dim view of religion. His jury had five Baptists, two Pentecostals, one Church of Christ, and I guess the others were lost. Over the past few years, he's come to believe that white Christians are the reason he's on death row. He wants no part of their God, and I don't expect him to change his views anytime soon. Still, at the very end, he might appreciate someone to pray with."
What Keith wanted was a nice bed in a clean motel and twelve hours of sleep. But, as a man of God, he couldn't say no. He nodded slowly and said, "Sure."
"Good. We'll leave in five minutes."
Keith closed his eyes and rubbed his temples and said to himself, "Lord, what am I doing here? Help me."
Fred Pryor suddenly jumped from his chair. He held his cell phone at arm's length, as if it were white-hot, and said loudly, "Oh, boy! It's Joey Gamble. He wants to sign the affidavit and recant his testimony."
"Is he on the phone?" Robbie said.
"No. It's a text message. Should I call him?"
"Of course!" Robbie snapped. Pryor stepped to the center of the table and pressed the keys on the speakerphone. No one moved as the phone rang and rang. Finally, a timid "Hello."
"Joey, Fred Pryor here, in Slone, just got your message, what the hell's going on,replica mont blanc pens?"
"Uh, I wanna help, Mr. Pryor. I'm really upset by all this."
"You think you're upset, what about Donte? He's got two and a half hours to live, and now you finally wake up and want to help."
"I'm so confused," Joey said.
Robbie leaned forward and took charge. "Joey, this is Robbie Flak. Remember?"
"Of course."
"Where are you?"
"Mission Bend, in my apartment."
"Are you willing to sign an affidavit admitting that you lied at Donte's trial?"
With no hesitation, Joey said, "Yes."
Robbie closed his eyes and dropped his head. Around the table, there were silent fist pumps, quick prayers of thanks, and a lot of tired smiles.
"All right, here's the plan. There's a lawyer in Houston by the name of Agnes Tanner. Her office is downtown on Clay Street. Do you know the city?"
"I guess."
"Can you find an office downtown?"
"I don't know. I'm not sure I should drive."
"Are you drunk?"
"Not drunk, but I've been drinking." Robbie instinctively glanced at his watch. Not yet 4:00 p.m. and the boy was already thick tongued.
"Joey, call a cab. I'll reimburse you later. It's crucial that you get to Tanner's office as quickly as possible. We'll e-mail an affidavit, you sign it, and we'll get it filed in Austin. Can you do this, Joey?"
"I'll try,moncler jackets women."
"It's the least you can do, Joey. Right now Donte is in the holding cell in Huntsville, thirty feet from the little room where they kill people, and your lies helped put him there."
"I'm so sorry,moncler jackets men." His voice cracked.
"The office is at 118 Clay Street, you got that, Joey?"
"I think so."
"Get there, Joey. The paperwork will be waiting for you. Every minute is crucial, Joey, do you understand?"

